The POLAR GROUP has found a new shareholder: SOL Capital Management takes over 100 % of the shares.
On January 30th, 2023, the protective shield proceedings have thus been terminated. The entry of SOL was also accompanied by a change of company. The activities of Adolf Mohr Maschinenfabrik GmbH & CO KG are taken over by Polar Cutting Technologies GmbH, the headquarters will remain in Hofheim am Taunus.
As of February 1st, 2023, Mr. Thomas Raab (middle) will take over the role of CEO of the POLAR companies. The two investors from SOL, Haiko Stüting (left) and Dr. Paul Niederkofler are looking forward to the new journey together.
“Our position as an industry leader will be boosted by this new start and the additional funds from SOL Capital. Through further automation, solutions that enable our customers to significantly increase productivity and support their competitiveness, we will further expand and consolidate our leadership in innovation,” says Thomas Raab.